Posted: Oct. 31, 2002


Democratic candidates, elected officials, Party leaders and rank-and-file activists kicked off their final week of campaigning for Election Day 2002 with a “Get-Out-The- Vote” Rally on Thursday evening in Wilmington.   

Senator Joe Biden stressed the importance of this year’s elections to the crowd.  “Let’s face it,” he said.  “It matters who shows up at the polls on November 5th.  This election will directly affect the safety of our neighborhoods, the quality of our children’s education, our access to affordable and first-rate health care, and our economic and national security, for years to come.  We must make our voices heard by voting Democrat next Tuesday.  With only six days to go, make it your personal responsibility to get to the polls – and take someone else with you, too.”    

The event was held at the Delaware Association of Police Hall on Lancaster Avenue in the City of Wilmington.  City Democratic Chairman Theopalis K. Gregory, Sr. led the program.  “We Democrats are here; we are ready; and we are excited for a great turnout in the City on Election Day.  Now is the time for every Democrat to roll up his or her sleeves and get to work to turn out the vote.”     

“With enthusiasm like this, we’re confident that the Delaware Democratic Party is ready for great results in the upcoming November election – not just in Wilmington, but up and down the state,” said State Chairman Rick Bayard.  “Our Party activists are ready to do whatever is necessary – whether working the phones or going door-to-door – to get Democrats elected.  We won’t stop until the polls close at 8:00pm on November 5th.” 

Statewide Democratic candidates in attendance were U.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., State Treasurer Jack Markell, Mike Miller for Congress, Carl Schnee for Attorney General, and Bob Wasserbach for State Auditor.  Candidates for county and local offices were also on hand to greet the crowd.      

The Delaware Democratic Party will gather on Election Night in Wilmington at the Wyndham Hotel at 8th & King Streets.